Starter Package

Secomea Starter Package

Secomea Starter PackageThe Secomea starter package is bundled with hardware and software, allowing for immediate deployment. Each starter package includes the following:

  • 1 x SiteManager hardware. (Please specify model number.)
  • 1 x LinkManager license (floating license) - p/n 26861
  • 1 x LinkManager Mobile license (single license) - p/n 26946
  • 1 x GateManager - Hosted FREE - p/n 26891
  • 1 x GateManager EasyService FREE - p/n 26947

The Secomea SiteManager is an off the shelf device for industrial networking and communications ensuring unified uninterrupted and secure access to remote devices.

The SiteManager allows for viewing multiple industrial devices on a location securely for both you and your customer. All models of the SiteManager include predefined device agents for PLCs, Panels and other industrial devices. Connected is done via Ethernet, also via Serial and USB on the hardware versions.

Using secure web protocols for encryption and authentication, the Secomea solution accesses the web via standard TCP ports, so does not require any modifications to firewalls or network access rules. By initiating the connection from the destination end, firewall stateful inspection rules are not invoked.

1. SiteManager

A DIN rail mountable hardware Secomea 'SiteManager' unit is placed at the factory, and connects your equipment securely to the Internet.

  • No need for additional open firewall ports, SiteManager uses commonly available port 80 (http)
  • No need for fixed IP addresses, DynDNS or other 3rd party components
  • No need for involving the IT department
  • No need for local configuration
  • All models feature Ethernet uplink, device serial ports, Digital IO and EasyTunnelâ„¢ VPN.
  • Site personnel retain the ability to physically disconnect the unit to dictate when access is provided.

The SiteManager range of models allows you to choose between 1 or 4 device ports, USB uplink port for external modem, 4G/3G/GPRS modem and the number of site devices to which access is required. Refer to the SiteManager Selection Guide for detailed information.

2. LinkManager

A Windows software client is run on your PC, connecting you directly to the devices at the factory via the cloud gateway.

  • No configuration needed - LinkManager is really easy to use
  • No conflicts with other communication clients
  • Supports both 32 and 64 bit Windows
  • Uses customisable tree structure to display all global devices to which authorised access has been granted.

Select a connection to the desired site device, then your programming software (Step7, RSLogix, UnityPro, etc) will now see the equipment as if it were locally connected.

3. GateManager

A central data exchange, hosted by Daanet, Secomea or the Customer, links end-to-end encrypted tunnels between an internet connected user and the remote machine or network. Here is where all LinkManager accounts and equipment are controlled and organised by an administrator.

  • Automatic configuration backup
  • Logging of all access
  • Email/SMS alerts
  • The end-to-end connection ensures no eaves-dropping on your data is possible
  • Complete user account control - when staff leave their access is simply deactivated by the Administrator.

For more information about the Secomea starter pack and industrial networking solutions, contact More Control on 0345 00 00 400.


Office Address 

21 Drakes Mews
Crownhill Industrial Estate
Milton Keynes

Tel: 0345 00 00 400


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