Vision System

Omron FZ4 Vision System Application

Omron FZ4 Vision System On high speed productions lines, tube sealers may not always be able to completely seal the product tube. A main factor for this can be due to incorrect temperature settings or product splash back in the seal area.

To deal with this issue and to ensure that all tube seals are correctly in place, More Control offers an innovative vision system to measure the seal width in multiple areas. This enables that a failed tube can be detected and rejected from the production line immediately.

Omron Fz4 Vision System

The Omron FZ4 Vision System is able to work at exceptionally high speeds (this example shows just 24ms) A detection area is set which is the same as the tube diameter. The Omron Vision system looks for the maximum edge width in multiple sections of this area. The width is measured between the pairs of green crosses.

If a tube is incorrectly sealed, the width of the seal increases. A threshold is set in the controller to reject anything larger than the widest good seal.

Examples of reject sealsOmron FZ4 Vision System

Omron FZ4 Vision System (Main Features)

  • 5 megapixel cameras can be used with all FZ4 controllers, from Lite to Super high-speed
  • Remote control functionality
  • One PC controls multiple FZ systems
  • Individual control for 2-line, random trigger mode image
  • Remote adjustment with non-stop adjustment mode for running line
  • Detailed Inspections using high resolution cameras
  • Detection Variation: Low Contrast/Shiny/Hidden/Near/Far
  • Compensation for Lens Distortion and Trapezium Distortion

Omron FZ4 Vision SystemThis vision system enabled the production line to accurately detect all tube seals were correctly in place and secure.

For more information about vision detection systems, contact More Control on 0345 00 00 400.

Automation Applications

Office Address 

21 Drakes Mews
Crownhill Industrial Estate
Milton Keynes

Tel: 0345 00 00 400


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